No. If you turn off the blood in Dead Island, Then you will loose a life.
No, you can't turn off the blood in Tomb Raider.
Yes, you can turn off blood in dungeon fighter in the options menu.
No there is no way to turn off blood and gore or language in this game
In halo combat evolved you can go to settings and turn decals off and there will be no blood (except blood from the convenant which is blue and purple)
no the blood is part of the graphics in the game
No. If you turn off the blood in Dead Island, Then you will loose a life.
Unfortunately, there is no way to turn off the blood in either Left 4 Dead 1 or 2. However, you may have noticed that in Left 4 Dead 2, the survivors can literally cut of the heads, arms, and legs of the zombies. If you or your parents are disturbed by that, go to the settings, select "Audio/Video" and scroll down to gore. On default it will be set at high, you have the option to set this at low. Edit: Please note that what this person said ONLY applys to Left 4 Dead 2
No, you cannot turn off blood in Bioshock.
No, you can't turn off the blood in Tomb Raider.
Violence is the answer
It is rated T you can turn off the blood and you can turn off music. If you don't want to completely turn the music off, you can turn off the bad songs.
yes you can turn off blood in medal of honor airborne
Yes, you can turn off blood in dungeon fighter in the options menu.
You cannot turn off the blood but you can turn off the gore. If you turn off the gore it doesn't work in online play
go to the options section in the main menu and then go to gameplay then turn blood off
Yes u can go to options and lessen or turn of blood and Language