You can find quagsires in mt.silver cave. And woopers in the route under violet city
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
the best pokemon to use is mudkip.
torterra is the best grass type Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon VULTRAE:torterra or roserade
the best Pokemon for the Pokemon league is definetly latios
You can find quagsires in mt.silver cave. And woopers in the route under violet city
No? I herd you did.
You can catch them south of Violet city and before Union cave. There's this little patch of grass with Mareeps and woopers.
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
the best Pokemon you can catch in Pokemon pearl is heatran
the best pokemon to use is mudkip.
some of them are: Reese's, kit kat, woopers, york, whatchamacallit, thingamagig, krakel, mr. goodbar, and more -go to wiki to see all-
the best Pokemon are mewto and the rarest Pokemon ever mew.
torterra is the best grass type Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon VULTRAE:torterra or roserade
the best Pokemon for the Pokemon league is definetly latios
there are many legendary Pokemon in Pokemon heartgold, but the best is HO-OH
the best Pokemon to use against electric Pokemon is ground/rock Pokemon.