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Yes they are, One more Halo game will be realesied on the XBOX 360, Known as halo wars, it will be a RTS (real time stradgey) apose to the FPS (first pesron shooter) games they made before. but it will still be enjoyable

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Q: Are they going to make another Halo game?
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Are they going to make another halo game after halo reach?

Yeah. Bungie is done making Halo games but Microsoft is making Halo 4 and a remake of the first halo which will come out in November I think.

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Will Bungi make another halo game?

Unfortunately no, bungie announced that Reach would be the last game they make in the Halo series

Is 343 studos going to make a halo game?

The only answer is that it is very likely. Halo Reach will be the last Halo game made by Bungie, but Microsoft (owners of 343 Studios), will undoubtably make another just to squeeze the Halo franchise's fans for even more money before the series dies.

Will another halo game come out?

Yes. 343 Industries will make Halo 4.

Is there really going to be a LEGO halo game?

No, Lego doesn't even make halo products.

Why can't bungie make more halo games?

They are currently working on something like halo wars, but not halo, called aerospace. It sucks right? And 343 industries, who helped make the halo games, is actually in charge of making another halo game, so there is a chance they will make another halo game. :D

Why is halo ending?

Every Video Game has to end. Bungie has made the last halo. Not the last Halo Game. Bungie has given the Halo Franchise over to 343 Studios. They have said they MIGHT make another Halo Game.

Is Microsoft going to make another halo after 4?

....................................try destiny

Is there a Halo Movie based on the video game coming out?

they were going to make one but they made halo reach instead

Is there going to be anthor halo after halo reach?

What i heard is that infinity ward made Bungie sign a contract saying Bungie cant make anymore halo games after halo reach, unless they make the next halo game for every game console not only the Xbox 360. I also just recently checked the Bungie website and looked that they were now hiring people for PS3, so they might make another halo game for every console. Another thing that i heard was that SaberINteractive was making a Halo Combat Evolved Remake. But overall you still never know.

What is bungie's next series coming out?

after halo reach, bungie will not be creating another halo title, although there may be another company to make a different halo game (like halo wars)