

Best Answer

Yes There Is 3 They Are :

-Kingdom Of Loathing (Kol):

A Free Online MMORPG With A Great Sense Of Humor

-Stick Online:

Im Not Sure How Good It Is But Its Supposed To Be Great You Have To Pay To Play I Havent Tryed It

-Stick Adventures Online (SAO):

This One Is My Fav. its Free 100% But Its Still In Alpha But Its Beaing Rebuilt From The Base

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Q: Are there any stick figure mmorpg?
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Is there a stick figure mmorpg?

Stick Adventures Online. It's not that great, but it is addicting and a great way to pass time while leveling up your character. Stick Adventures Online is simple to an extreme level. There are usually 5-10 people online at a time. There's only three attributes: Health, Strength, and Defence. It's pretty good, only not as great as some other games, but S.A.O. is the only stick figure one I know of.

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Stick Figure Neighbourhood was created in 1981.

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Is there a Zelda mmorpg?

No there is not a Zelda mmorpg, and I don't see how there could ever be one. There can only be one hero of time at any given time. So unless you want your chatacter class to be an Octorok I don't see any hopes for there being a Zelda MMORPG