Some scrabble words that have Z in them are:azurebazookabedazzleblazeblizzardblitzboozebuzzbuzzardcrazecrazydazedazzleersatzfazefezfizzfizzlefrazzlefreezegazegazellegazettegizzardglitzgrazehorizonjazzlazyjazzylazylizardmaizeoozeorzoozonepretzelrazzrazerazzlespritzzapzebrazipzipperzinczirconiumzonezoozoologyThe scrabble rules that we play don't allow proper nouns, but if proper nouns are played, that's a whole other list:ArizonaAztecBelizeBlitzenBrazilCzech RepublicIzodIsuzuKazakhstanKyrgz Republic (Krygyzstan)MazdaMozambiqueNaziNew ZealandOzOzzieSwazilandSwitzerlandTanzaniaUzbekistanVenezuelaVerizonZambiaZamboniZeldaZeusZimbabweZionZuniZurich
My scrabble rules only allow 7 letters, so this question is for a different? scrabble game?
Some scrabble words that have Z in them are:azurebazookabedazzleblazeblizzardblitzboozebuzzbuzzardcrazecrazydazedazzleersatzfazefezfizzfizzlefrazzlefreezegazegazellegazettegizzardglitzgrazehorizonjazzlazyjazzylazylizardmaizeoozeorzoozonepretzelrazzrazerazzlespritzzapzebrazipzipperzinczirconiumzonezoozoologyThe scrabble rules that we play don't allow proper nouns, but if proper nouns are played, that's a whole other list:ArizonaAztecBelizeBlitzenBrazilCzech RepublicIzodIsuzuKazakhstanKyrgz Republic (Krygyzstan)MazdaMozambiqueNaziNew ZealandOzOzzieSwazilandSwitzerlandTanzaniaUzbekistanVenezuelaVerizonZambiaZamboniZeldaZeusZimbabweZionZuniZurich
No. You are allowed to use only the words for the language version of Scrabble you are playing. However, if two people want to play a game of Scrabble and allow foreign words, they can make up whatever supplemental rules they like. There are no universal Scrabble police to stop you.
There are no English Scrabble words that meet the criteria, even when repeating the letters.
Yes. Any word that meets the Scrabble rules is allowed (e.g. allowed and aloud both are acceptable Scrabble words).
Repeating words or sounds is a complex vocal tic
Argon is a gaseous element, and it is allowed in the TWL and SOWPODS lexicons. Also, it is definitely legal to pluralize words in Scrabble.
The rules of the game need to be followed to be fair to all of the players.
Repeating words for emphasis is called epizeuxis. This rhetorical device involves repeating a word or phrase in quick succession to create emphasis or to convey strong emotion.
The three essential elements of written language are vocabulary (words and their meanings), grammar (rules for arranging words in sentences), and syntax (rules for organizing words into coherent structures). Together, these elements allow for effective communication through written text.
Only if you are cheating or playing non-standard rules. But you can have words of upto 15 letters.