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i only know two. Type in manni to get a rocket abyssinian (toy) and rocket pack (clothing) Also type in fel4it to get a ballerina capuchin (toy), a ballerina outfit 2 (clothing), and a ballerina capuchin ( monkey at adoption center with a ballerina outfit and a yellow ribbon). plus you can type in sporty shanil or gayboy

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Q: Are there any petz monkeyz house input codes?
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Can you give me the codes for the petz monkeyz house game?

two are mannni and fel4it. that's all i know.

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type in the code esergo

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I think the same cheat codes work on both Petz Catz Clan and Petz Monkeyz House Some contain curse words, but these are the codes I know for Petz Catz Clan thirst select gallon dgzpak belbot dumbel havfun funpal aptcay pupmil edcrfv wetvet dgsrck catman catmon petcat manni damndi havfun fel4it ikitti 2totwo fghijk dgspck 3heart aptcay resort petpet

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Do monkeys die on Petz Monkeyz?

no they do not die

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unlock them by doing the tasks in the notebook(2 button).

Codes for petz monkeyz house?

type in mannni for a toy and clothing item. Then type in fel4it to get a toy, a piece of clothing, and a new monkey in the adoption center. ( same monkey breed, just has an outfit on.)

How do you get more food on petz monkeyz house?

All you need to do is the challenges in the park and then every other day they send you new food.

Input code for petz your kitten family?

There are many different codes to input for Petz Your Kitten Family. One such code is micsof. The codes for this game change every day.

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CODE:wetpetmeadowchristaptcayesjt2nfdrgtvthrillhavfunall codes are positive to work. I have already tested them.

Input code petz your kitten family?

roblox is baseball shirt leka i all codes it:..