If you want a game like wolf quest these games are the best for you there is "fearl heart" this game is like wolfquest exept you can make a extra cool looking wolf and you can do lots of things like face expreshions and more things wolfquest only lets you be a wolf but this game has way more even though i love wolfquest this game you will love. Another game you will love is "wolf" its by the makers of wolfquest and is realy fun but its just has poor animation. And this game called "sherwooddungan" is THE BEST ON EARTH!!!!!!! This game you can be a wolf and turn into a human you can also be "wolf/lion/dragon/huge spider/horse/unicorn/battle horse. You can also have friends and this game you can have a clan and FIGHT other people this is for people who want more exitmant.But once you go "sherwooddungan" you will love it
animal jam and feralheart
There is WolfQuest.
Not that I'm aware of. The WolfQuest Team has no plans (and no longer any funding resources) to focus on other "animal" quest games (example: FoxQuest) at any given time in the future. Due to a recent announcement, there will no longer be any WolfQuest development and - consequently - no possibility of future animal quest games from the same team.
If you go on the official warrior cats website there are 3 games in the games category.
WolfQuest and Fly like a bird. Wolfquest is amazing.
I don't beleive so.... but I LOVE WOLFQUEST!!<3
There is WolfQuest.
There is a game called 'WolfQuest' where, you guested it, you're a wolf.
If you go on the official warrior cats website there are 3 games in the games category.
there is,FeralHeart you can be a lion and a wolf there....
sos nothing like it ive seen but if you like wolfquest then try out dog quest hope you do find a game x
No. Only download.
there is Feral Heart. there is Wolfquest but you are a wolf. there is also a game called the endless forest and you are a dear
This is one for PCs: Squakenet. And (downloadable) there's also Wolf Team, but it's werewolves.
There are a couple i have heard of that are apparently really good: FeralHeart Endless Forest Fly Like A Bird 3