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There are private servers which are like Runescape clones but they can be very different from old Runescape.

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Q: Are there any games like runescape with the old wilderness?
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What world is the wilderness in RuneScape?

You can go to the Wilderness in any world.

Is there any better game then RuneScape?

It really depends on the type of games you're into. If you like Medieval based games, RuneScape is for you.

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runescape, but you have to be 13+

When will wilderness come back in RuneScape?

The Wilderness PK and Free Trade has already returned. Go on any world to access the Wilderness and Free Trade.

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Mechquest is like runescape and adventure quest combined except it's WAY funner.

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It seems that World of Warcraft has certain similarities.

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Poptropica but it's childish and you can't talk freely.

Does anyone know Any games like rune-dayz or euro-scape?

yes its called runescape

Any online games like Club Penguin?

Yeah: Runescape Neopets is one too!

Are there any Games Like Runescapr for Girls?

I think Maple Story is kinda like Runescape. Girls at my school play it but, you have download it.