Nuclear Engineer is an engineering career. It begins with the letter n.
There are no US states that start with the letter Y.
I would say no there arent any words that start with the letter x sorry :(. Sucks dosent it
Oceanography also called marine science. Orthodontist
Briefly, engineering can be defined as "applied science". If any career has "engineering" in its name, you can be quite sure that you will have to study lots of science, including advanced mathematics. (Some careers that don't use the name "engineering" also require a lot of math, for example, economics.)
You might enjoy any of the engineering careers - that would be anything that has "engineering" in its name, as well as computer-related studies, architecture, and economics. And probably a few more.
Any advanced math (basically, anything beyond addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) will be used mainly in engineering jobs. This is any career that has "engineering" in its name, and a few others that don't, such as economy and architecture.
There are a wide range of jobs available in civil engineering for those without a degree. The best way to find them is to check the corporate careers websites of the main companies in the industry.
There aren't any that start with the letter "Y"
Engineering and architecture, for a start. Plus mathematics and physics. Any kind of art or design, including signwriting, product design (cellphones, washing machines, factory machinery, etc), and publishing. I'm sure there are many more...
There are no US states that start with the letter Y.
Not much. In any case, you won't need advanced math (like trigonometry, algebra, calculus, logarithms...) which you only use in science and engineering careers.
there are different types of engineers. as an audio engineer you would be one but many people associate engineering to architect type of careers but as long as you state that you are an audio engineer there shouldn't be any confusion. engineering just means that you have a skill, art or a certain profession that requires certain knowledge.
pick any field, you start from scratch no one gets 80k or 90k at the start but as your skills later devoloped you can get around to 110k avg as as engineering manager or 219k as a surgeon but to be a surgeon requires a lots of hard work and say you will 45 or 50 when you get your first patient.
no no frog types start with the letter Z