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Q: Are there any gods or goddesses that start with the letter Y?
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Related questions

Who stopped worshiping many gods?

Anyone may stop or start worshiping any number of gods or goddesses at any time.

Is Odysseus afraid of the gods and goddesses?

Any human was afraid of the Gods or Goddesses

Are there any gods or goddesses that start with O?

In Greek myth Oceanus. In Roman myth Ops.

Are there any gods or goddesses in Norse mythology?


What are the gods and goddesses forms?

They can take on any form they wish.

Did any gods or goddess' have slaves?

No: they had handmaidens and attendants to help them, usually other Greek gods and goddesses.

Did Zeus kill iny gods or goddess and why?

There are plenty of mortals that Zeus killed, but he did not kill any gods or goddesses.

Do pagans worship any gods?

Yes. Paganism is polytheistic, meaning they believe in many deities- Gods and Goddesses alike.

Does Hades have any non god sibling's?

No, all Hades' siblings are Gods/Goddesses.

Do Odysseus and his men encounter any gods or goddesses on their journey?

Circe is a goddess.

Were any of the gods and goddesses related?

Yes. In fact most of them were related in some way

Are there any other Egyptian gods?

There are many Egyptian gods and goddesses, so many that no official list of names exist yet.