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yes there are

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Q: Are there any cheats for the sims3?
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What are some cheats for sims3 mobile on a samsung gravity?

no there are no cheats. sorry. stop trying because i promise you wont find any.

How do you do money cheats on sims3?

Press CTRL and SHIFT and C then type motherlode into the window for cheats.

What are some good cheats in Sims3?

Ctrl Shift C - Motherlode

Are there any sims3 games for ps2?


Can you be a animal on the sims3?

I don't think so because there aren't any pets in sims3 anyway. The only options are male and female

What is the best sims3 nightlife cheat?

after recently getting night life, i discovered a few cheats... type into the cheat bar: help which will suddenly give you a list of ALL the cheats, including nightlife, you decide which is best!

Can you get pets on sims3?

Yes you can now! You have to have the sims3, by itself, you WILL have to buy the sims3 pets, which you can get from gaming sites, the best one is The :)

Are there any zwinky cheats?

There are no longer any cheats.

Is sims3 only for PC?

The Sims3 is also for the Macintosh.

Are there any cheats for avirtualhorsecom?

there are no cheats

Is there any cheats for marapets?

No there is no cheats.

Are there any cheats for Mondozoo?

No. There are no cheats.