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Q: Are there 3 islands in Pokemon diamond?
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It's a Pokemon event. you have to wait. when will this event take place.

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What are all the islands in Pokemon diamond?

fullmoon island,ison island,noomoon island

Where is the egg for Toge-pi in Pokemon diamond?

There isn't only in firered and leafgreen in the sevi islands

How do you get to islands 123456789 in Pokemon LeafGreen?

i think there are only 3 islands Acually there are 7 islands

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Pokemon star or Pokemon Diamond?

Pokemon diamond

On Pokemon diamond why isn't mew 3 on the pokedex?

it is a hacked Pokemon

Where do you go underground in Pokemon diamond version?

anywhere except caves, houses, buildings, ruins, and islands

How do you get into the caves under the islands in the middle of the 3 lakes in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

u have to beat the galactic master then use surf at one lake and you will see a cave go in it

How do you get mew 3 on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

you can't get mewthree.MEWTHREE IS NOT A REAL POKEMON

Were do you go after finding the three leg Pokemon on diamond?

WHICH 3 legged Pokemon