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No they're perfectly legal.

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Q: Are runescape private servers illegal
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Is it illegal to play Runescape Private Servers?

No, because the private servers aren't linked to Runescape at all.

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Private Servers are illegal

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All Runescape private servers are Illegal, if caught Jagex may take it seriously.

How do you add a voting link to a 508 runescape private server?

RuneScape private servers are illegal! If you get caught using one, Jagex may choose to procecute. Do not use Private Servers for you will get in a heavy amount of trouble.

What are some RuneScape classic private servers?

Well there are not many Runescape Classic Private Servers, but luckily you can download one called "RSCAngel". Go to Runescape 2 Private Servers are illegal, but the two most popular ones are Moparscape, and Frugooscape*. *Frugooscape got sued, and are no longer providing a Runescape 2 Private server.

What is cod for white partyhat on a runescape private server?

RuneScape private servers are illegal. If you get caught using one, Jagex may choose to prosecute. Do not use them!

Is there a RuneScape Private Server Client for Mac with WebClient?

Please note, Runescape private servers are illegal and are shut down frequently. Jagex has the right to sue/put in jail the owners of the private servers. Users of private servers will not be affected though, although, may be subject to an IP block.

What type of code is a runescape private server like HTML?

RuneScape private servers are illegal. If you get caught using one, you will get in heftey trouble with Jagex. Jagex may choose to procecute if you get caught using a Private Server. So, do not use private servers, you will get in trouble!!

What are RuneScape private servers used for?

Runescape private servers are private servers where players can play the browser MMO with a select few. Sometimes the servers will have mods added to them which make gameplay different.

What type of coding is a RuneScape private server?

RuneScape private servers are illegal!! If you get caught using one, Jagex might procecute. It is against rules, and you can get in major trouble with Jagex Ltd.

Are Private Servers illegal to play or own one?

I don't think it is ILLEGAL to play Private Servers. However, to own a Private Server is illegal.

Is World of Warcraft private servers illegal?

Technically, private servers are illegal for World of Warcraft. Nevertheless, many people still play on private servers.