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Jagex have recently won a series of lawsuits to combat bots on Runescape. RS bots are against the rules of the game and it is illegal in the game to use bots. Many 'botting' accounts have been banned or had their levels reset.

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Q: Are rs bots illegal
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Related questions

Do rs bots work?

No, as of the moment only 1% do.

Will you be permanently banned for using bots on Rs?


Where can you find rs bots that will not get you banned?

You can go to Epicbot or RSBuddy

Best rs bots?

Forget about bots. Using bots is against the rules, and will very likely get your account banned. Besides, what's the point of signing up if you let bots play for you? The idea is to play on your own, not to let a machine play.

Why isn't rsbot starting up?

Rs Bots Website Got Took Over By Jagex but hopefully there will be a new one

What is a link for the rs bot massive script pack?

Use of bots is against the rules of RuneScape. Also, you can get banned for using bots. Jagex claims that it can detect all known bots.Use of bots is against the rules of RuneScape. Also, you can get banned for using bots. Jagex claims that it can detect all known bots.Use of bots is against the rules of RuneScape. Also, you can get banned for using bots. Jagex claims that it can detect all known bots.Use of bots is against the rules of RuneScape. Also, you can get banned for using bots. Jagex claims that it can detect all known bots.

Are chat bots illegal on some sites?

Chat bots are not illegal and do not break any of the laws of the United States. However, some websites may have terms and conditions of use of their website. Use of a chat bot can break their terms and conditions.

How to set reward on random event box on rs bot?

sorry but it is not possible due to increased security, which is why bots haven't worked after the jagex updated the site several times to prevent these bots from hacking into the runescape program.

Are there any working dung bots rs?

Yes, Powerbot has a dung bot that works. It's $25 and lasts 99 dyas.

What do you have to download to use rsbot?

You have to not do it. Using RS bots goes against the rules of RuneScape, and no matter how hard you try they alway find the people using autos or bots and ban them. So my advice is to not download anything to use it at all.

Why is pking gone?

because of real world trading, meaning people buying gold for real life cash, because of the banning of bots and the bots using stolen credit cards jagex had to act or rs was gunna close with in 6months.

How do you leave rs bots on all night?

If you download the client, then you get authorization codes from "" for the premium auth's, you can leave it on all night easily.