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You can't download Bots Acclaim anymore.It shut down,so Bots is no more.

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Q: Where can you download working acclaim BOTS 2010?
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Related questions

How do you download bots acclaim on a Mac?

A new private server of Bots Acclaim has been released called BoutCheetah, and they have a mac version! See the link below.

Where can you download bots acclaim hack?

You can download bots acclaim hacks on google just type in 'injector' or 'fira's twilite' and go to a download link. XDheres the link:

Is there any way to still play acclaim bots?

no, bots and all other acclaim games are gone.

Why bots acclaim lags when i hack?


Which is the best robot in bots acclaim?


How do you register bots acclaim?

There are rumors that they went bankrupt

How do you make a acclaim bots private server?

you can't :D

How do you ban bot in acclaim bots?

You can't ban bots, but you can report a user for using a bot which will ban them from the game.

Why does bots acclaim not let you enter a name anymore?

dunno i think

Why did acclaim games shut down?

It all started from the original game from Acclaim, Bots Acclaim. It started from two normal players from Bots Acclaim named, Fira and IWonderWhoHack, To begin, Fira was just a normal player until her friend introduced her to IWonderWhoHack, they became best friends and he introduced a packet editor, from that they learned many ways of Bots Acclaim and learned that they could hack it, from that they started to work on Twilite a hacking engine because they got bored, from that they could hack Bots Acclaim which made Acclaim lose lots of money, the hackers were able to change their color text, turn server on and off, kick players if they wanted to, infinte life/damage, and etc. From that they released the hack and everybody started hacking. And the game was full of hackers, this made the Acclaim company lose much more money, from that they had to sell there company. And Acclaim was shut down.

How do you get bots on everybodyedits?

download them.

How do you download Cs1.6 non steam with bots?

some download need to use releated community pages, here counter strike 1.6 clan and their download section, tested and working version got download million times