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Yes they are. One is located in South Korea.

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Q: Are ray guns real
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Is a ray gun real from Call of Duty World at War?

no there are not Ray guns like on the World at War

When was Ray Guns Are Not Just the Future created?

Ray Guns Are Not Just the Future was created on 2009-01-27.

Are guns real or fake?

There are both real and fake guns.

How do you do the two ray guns glitch?

you dont, but on moon you get two guns that look similar to the ray gun called the wave guns and you can put them together to make a stronger gun

What is ray ray real age?

Ray ray real age is 14

What has the author Ray Riling written?

Ray Riling has written: 'Guns and Shooting'

Are beretta guns real or are they bb guns?

Real ----------------------------------- Besides the real gun, Beretta make a line of BB guns for sale. To see some of these BB guns go to the link below.

What guns on MW2 are real?

I'm pretty sure that all of the guns in cod modern warfare 2 are real guns.

What has the author Ray Kelley written?

Ray Kelley has written: 'The Guns of El Paso'

Is ray ray his real name?

ray ray

When was ray gun invented?

We do not actually have any ray guns, although we have lasers which somewhat resemble ray guns. On May 16, 1960, Theodore H. Maiman operated the first functioning laser.

Is guns real in moive?

Sometimes. They'll often use real guns refitted with blank barrels. Guns in a movie set which aren't fired may not be real, however.