Of course not! A level 41 magneton's stats will be different from another level 41 magneton. It all depends on these things:
*stat boosting items
and drug enhancements.
I don't really know some other rare Pokemon but I do know how to get shedninja in Pokemon emerald. First, you have to find a nincada that has a bold nature and evolve it into ninjask. Right after it evolves, look in your party and you might have a shedninja that says you met it at the same level in the same area at the same level caught with the same kind of pokeball, the same ID number as ninjask, and even the same move set as ninjask. What I think is really weird about shedninja is he only has 1hp and it never gets more hp as you level it up. Hope this helps.
No, they have lower base stats than a trainer Pokemon of the same level. Pokemon will have a greater base stats on level 100 if they are caught and trained on a lower level.
same as on any other game ex. bulbasaur into ivysaur at level 16, charamander into charmeleon at level 16 .........................................................................
what about it? be more specific It's in the Northest part of Seven Island, across the water. All your opponents Pokemon are at the same level as your Pokemon with the highest level.
Well, it depends on what Pokemon you are talking about. (Every Pokemon's HP is different.) The HP of different Pokemon is different even at the same level. Even the same Pokemon may have more HP if it is trained rather than just caught from the wild.
no they aunt
You can get a level one hundred Pokemon in HeartGold the same way that you can get a Pokemon of that level in other games. You have to level them up until they reach it.
Same general type or pattern, yes; identical, no.
Its the exact same as the Pokemon video games just defeat as many Pokemon as you can until your Pokemon receives enough exp points to level up.
it is the same as finding a wild Pokemon the same level.
No, they do not have to be the same level to get Landorus.
the same
No. They will stay the same level. If a Pokemon was level 4 in the game, when you copy it it'll stay level 4.
No, they don't, the level of all of your opponent's Pokemon will be the same as the level of the highest leveled Pokemon you have on your card
I don't really know some other rare Pokemon but I do know how to get shedninja in Pokemon emerald. First, you have to find a nincada that has a bold nature and evolve it into ninjask. Right after it evolves, look in your party and you might have a shedninja that says you met it at the same level in the same area at the same level caught with the same kind of pokeball, the same ID number as ninjask, and even the same move set as ninjask. What I think is really weird about shedninja is he only has 1hp and it never gets more hp as you level it up. Hope this helps.
No, they have lower base stats than a trainer Pokemon of the same level. Pokemon will have a greater base stats on level 100 if they are caught and trained on a lower level.