No, they have lower base stats than a trainer Pokemon of the same level. Pokemon will have a greater base stats on level 100 if they are caught and trained on a lower level.
Just Play The Game You Will Learn
I do not know what Pokemon you like, so try going to and find the Pokemon you like, then look where they appear on FireRed.
WURMPLE evolves into a SILCOON or a CASCOON Be careful for strong and wild pokemon Bye
in Pokemon lake, there are no cheats. but, there are glitches and good walkthroughs for it. so this is the answer to your questions, everyone. first of all you will need as many masterballs as you can get. first, catch the strongest Pokemon you see( if you just started it will probably be at level 20-30). once you do that, look for more Pokemon. when you find another one send out the Pokemon you just caught. as you can see the strength of the wild Pokemon is increased by a few levels(may take a little while to find a stronger one). catch that with a masterball as well. then do the exact same thing i just said(WARNING: if you have one strong Pokemon and the rest of them are weak, don't let your strong one faint or the glitch will reset and the level of that wild Pokemon will change). for example: i have a level 60 claydol, and i see a wild magby, i send out claydol and the magby is at level 68! i catch it with a masterball... note that this willl keep increasing the wild pokemons' levels until they are at 100! have fun and if you're wondering my username for Pokemon lake is tejroe
you still can play just battle wild Pokemon ;) hope this helps
keep raising your Pokemon and go to the sevii islands. this will have new Pokemon and wild Pokemon will be strong.
No, Bibarel's are one of the worst wild pokemon there are in pokemon platinum pearl or diamond
The strongest wild pokemon can be found in either Cerulean Cave or Seven Island.
That depends how you define "strong" in relation to the levels of Pokemon that you have now. If you're finding that the Pokemon you encounter are too weak, then progress through the game and the wild Pokemon will be stronger.
just go to all the maps and some of them have starters. and if you're reading this someone answer the question "where can you find wild Pokemon that are rare in Pokemon crater" thank you.
Just use Crobat, it has an ability that prevents wild Pokemon from fleeing, as well as Golbat.
Just Play The Game You Will Learn
I do not know what Pokemon you like, so try going to and find the Pokemon you like, then look where they appear on FireRed.
Just train them up in large sections of grass , or go in trainer battles , there is not secret to strong Pokemon just hours of work !
no just a calcium
Unfortunatly, no. There is only one for ALL Pokemon being shiny, but not just wild ones.
WURMPLE evolves into a SILCOON or a CASCOON Be careful for strong and wild pokemon Bye