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Yes ,in most cases. Emeralds are held high in regards since acient times. Known to be the stone of peace and prosperity. In some cases more valuable than diamonds. Found in Brazil,Columbia,and Zambia, and in some cases certain parts of the U.S. Quality in Brazil is the highest. Mostly from Campos verdes Goias,Brazil and Bahia,Brazil. Columbia and Zambia are second to the high quality of Brazil.

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8y ago

Emeralds are known to be more valuable than rubies, however, when comparing the value, their chemical properties, or where the stone was mined from, as well as their color should be taken into account. This can define its worth.

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Q: Are Emeralds more precious than rubies?
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In the Book of Proverbs in the Bible, wisdom is much more precious than rubies; and also in the Book of Job. - Prov.3.15; 8.11; & 20.15 and Job.28.18 And in the book of Proverbs, 31.10, the price of a virtuous woman is said to be far above rubies: "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price [is] far above rubies." (Prov.31.10)

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Why can't I get more than 99 rubies on Zelda?

RUPEES! not rubies rupees! your wallet is too small, get a bigger wallet.

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Emeralds are known to be one of the rarest gemstones. They are also known to sometimes be more valuable than diamonds!Here's more info:,-The-Emerald&id=46868