Ah, what a delightful little puzzle you have there! Let's see... how about the word "grin"? It has five letters, the second letter is "i," and it doesn't have any other vowels. Just like painting, sometimes the simplest things can bring the most joy.
Rhythms is a seven letter word that contains no vowels.
the second letter is lowercase because the old emperor Augustus named his son lowercasius, and then said that any word will have the first letter only in capital. and since then people have adapted this rule and changed it slightly so now you can only have a capital at the name of something and at the start of a new sentence. all the other letters have to be lowercase
Here are the words that meet the criteria, but I'm not sure any have the last four letters that form the name of a country.shmoozing, shooflies, shootings, shootouts, shroffing, shrouding6 words found.
mope, mOpE there isn't any. not in English anyway there isn't any. not in English anyway
The word "rabbit" does not contain any silent letters. All the letters in "rabbit" are pronounced when saying the word.
Car, the, wow, His, Her, Him, She. Any three letter word
A word in which the emphasis in pronunciation is on the last syllable. Promenade, disengage, present, reside, resent.
The letter "A." A "character" in a word or a sentence is a letter, a space, a hyphen, period, comma, apostrophe, any kind of punctuation, etc. It's essentially anything that would take up a space when you're typing.
any 4 letter word with an 'ai' in the middle like pain gain rain tain hian fian sain dain kain zian cain bain main! and many more not reall thats just a wierd question because i answered that in like 2 seconds!
Ah, what a delightful little puzzle you have there! Let's see... how about the word "grin"? It has five letters, the second letter is "i," and it doesn't have any other vowels. Just like painting, sometimes the simplest things can bring the most joy.
First, there was never any "Cyrus the great." There was Miley Cyrus, but she certainly was not great. Second, she isn't dead you moron.
The maximum number of different three letter palindromes that can be made using any letter of the alphabet is 1 - that letter repeated 3 times. However, if you meant you can pick any letter for each letter of the palindrome, then: The first and last letters are the same and there is a choice of 26 letters for them; For each choice for the first (and last) letter, there is a choice of 26 letters for the second letter Making a total of 26 × 26 = 676 such three letter palindromes (where case of the letter does not matter).
No, but you need to use a capital letter to start the sentence, and the word English also begins with a capital letter.