any 4 letter word with an 'ai' in the middle like pain gain rain tain hian fian sain dain kain zian cain bain main! and many more not reall thats just a wierd question because i answered that in like 2 seconds!
The first letter is O and the last letter is I The answer you are looking for is ORIBI
Yes! Aocordnig to rsaerceh at Cmbagidre Uvinrertisy, olny a cretian pretnecrgae can raed it. I gsues wree lkcuy! I lvoe taht my barin can do taht!
Her last words were "Start digging."
Second City This Week - 2011 Second City Last Week - 1.79 was released on: USA: 30 June 2012
Famous Last Words - 1990 was released on: USA: 1990
genro, inure, ignore
Lake HURONSome words that have O as the second to last letter are:actorarborardorbloombroomcolordroopgloomgroomheronfloorfurormajormayormelonmoronmotorproofrumorsalonshootspoontumorvalorvaporwhoop
One example of a four-letter word where the second and last letters are the same is "ball." In this word, the second letter 'a' is the same as the last letter 'l.' Another example is "hall," where the second letter 'a' is also the same as the last letter 'l.' These are known as palindromic words, where the word reads the same forwards and backwards.
Eleven letter words with second letter U, last letter R are:bullfighterbushwhackerquicksilverrumormongersupertankersurfboarder
Some six letter words with the second letter U and the last letter E are:auntiebubblebucklebudgiebungleburglebustlebutanecuddlecurarecurdlecuttlefuddlefumblefutilefuturegurgleguzzlehuddlehumanehumblehurdlehurtlehustlejugglejujubejumblejunglejunkielupinelustremuddlemufflemumblemusclemutatemuzzlenuancenubilenuzzleoutagepuddlepumicepurplepursuepuzzlequichequincerubblerufflerumblerumplerustlesubduesubtlesucklesundaesupinesupplesuturetubuletumbleturtletusslevulvaeyuppie