you can buy turnip seeds from joan on Sunday 6am to 12pm for 1000 for a pack red turnip seeds
they can help you get a golden axe....
you can grow the seeds by burying it and watering it every day.
tom nook will buy the grown turnips for a varied price.
hope i helped ;-D
You can not have a baby on Animal Crossing: Wild World
There is no animal crossing for the PSP.
You cannot be friends with Saharah on Animal Crossing Wild World.
Dear Turnip Wanderer, You can't buy turnips from Nook, and you can't find them randomly growing. So where can you find them? ON SUNDAY! Joan, the warthog will be walking around carrying turnips. simply buy some. I'm suprised you haven't seen her yet.... I guess we all can't be geniouses! - Sset, the Animal Crossing genious
No you cannot work for the Able Sisters on Animal Crossing Wild World.
because sometimes she has red turnips and sometimes she doesn't ok (b)
Maybe some turnips. (Red or Plain.)
Just like in animal crossing for gc, Joan is in your town every Sunday. She sells them.
you can. on Sundays a warthog named Joan comes to your town. she sells white and red turnips. talk to her to buy some.
You can not have a baby on Animal Crossing: Wild World
No. You are unable to get a boat on Animal Crossing Wild World.
No, he isn't in Animal Crossing: Wild World.
One for DS : Animal Crossing Wild World One for Wii : Animal Crossing Lets Go To The City One for Gamecube : Animal Crossing Wild World (Same title as Ds) :)
No, not on Wild World; only in City Folk and the original Animal Crossing.
You cannot leave your town on Animal Crossing Wild World.
well there can be a well on animal crossing wild world if you build can one
You cannot marry on Animal Crossing: Wild World.