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ice maker

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Q: An invention that starts with the letter i?
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magnify glass
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What is an invention that starts with the letter S?

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What invention starts with the letter K?

Kleenex, kaleidoscope, kitchen sink, kevlar

An invention that starts with the letter d?

Here's a whole page with inventions starting with the letter "D":

What was a Roaring Twenties invention that starts with the letter O?

It could possibly be, OBU. Otherwise, known as the One Big Union. Not quite an invention, but it was created in the Roaring Twenties.

What was a Roaring Twenties invention that starts with the letters N and G?

For the letter G you could do games and for n you could do nativism

What is an invention that starts with the letter b?

· ballpoint pen · band aid · bicycle · Blackberry · blue jeans · bread slicer

What invention starts with a s?

One example is a switch.

What invention starts with a r?

One example is a router.

What some sentence that starts with the letter n?

Never drive through a puddle if you do not know its depth. Necessity is the mother of invention. Natural foods have become popular.