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Never drive through a puddle if you do not know its depth.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Natural foods have become popular.

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Q: What some sentence that starts with the letter n?
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What are some clothing that starts with the letter N?


What are some disease that starts with the letter N?

· narcotic addiction · neuropathy

What are some machines that begin with the letter N?

Some machines that begin with the letter N are:Nail GunNannyCamNintendoNotebook ComputerNuclear BombNuclear magnetic Resonance Spectroscope is a machine that starts with N.

Is there a flower that starts with the letter n?

A flower that starts with the letter "n": nasturtium NARCISSUS also known as daffodil

What Sport word starts with n?

Some sport words which begin with the letter N are netball net nationals

What is the color that starts with the letter n?

There is no color translated in engligh that starts with that letter.

Something you can buy in the store that starts with the letter n?

something you could buy at a store that starts with the letter n is NAILS.....

What is a word that starts with the letter n?

Words that start with the letter "N"NiceNounNiceNumberNeatNotaryNimbus

What is an example of a compound noun that starts with n?

Some compound nouns that start with N are:necktieneighborhoodNew Yorknight lightnightmarenight timenineteennoondaynotebooknut cracker

Word that starts with the Letter D and ends with the letter n?

Domain is one of the words that starts with the letter D and ends with the letter N.

What is a7 letter word that starts with an s and ends with n?

Sandman (starts with S ends with N - 7 letter word)

What is a name for an aminal the starts with the letter N?

A animal that starts with the letter N is a nightingale (bird). Newt Nutria Nematode Nighthawk