

All of the uncommon moshlings

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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All the uncommon moshlings are here...

Kissy Purple star blossom yellow star blossom black magic beans

Lady Meowford Blue Moon orchid Pink moon orchid Purple star blossom

Shelby Blue dragon fruit Black dragon fruit blue magic beans

Doris 3 moon orchids

Dipsy Red moon orchid yellow moon orchid yellow love berry

Sooki Yaki Red magic beans yellow magic beans purple hot silly pepper

Priscilla Yellow apple red moon orchid blue Moon orchid

Blurp Blue moon orchid Pink love berry Blue moon orchid

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What two moshlings can you get when your a non member on moshi monsters?

Well, I do know that you can get Squidge, Stanley, you know all of the common Moshlings. Non- members can also get some uncommon Moshlings and only some rare Moshlings.

What seeds do you plant to get un-rare moshlings on moshi monsters?

There are no "un-rare" moshlings on Moshi Monsters. The moshlings are rated Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra-Rare.

What are the super secret rare moshlings on Moshi Monsters?

There are no moshlings rated as 'super secret rare' on Moshi Monsters. Moshlings ratings are common, uncommon, rare, and ultra-rare. The Secrets set of moshlings are all rated as ultra-rare. They are Roxy, Baby Rox, Dustbin Beaver, and Blingo.

What are rare moshlings on moshi monsters?

There are four types of moshlings. Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra rare. The higher the type, the more flowers you need with a specific color to catch the monster. Common moshlings do not need any flowers with a specific color. Uncommon moshlings need one flower with a specific color. Rare moshlings need two flowers with specific colors. Ultra Rare moshlings need three flowers with specific colors.

Are ultra rare moshlings easy or harder if you are a member?

It is the same, whether or not you are a member. The difference between the common, uncommon, rare, and ultra rare moshlings is in the seed combinations/codes. For most of the moshlings, to get the common moshlings, the three seeds can be any color. Uncommon moshlings need one seed of a specific color, rare moshlings need two seeds of a specific color and ultra rare moshlings need three seeds of specific colors. There are a few exceptions to this as some of the moshlings are found by doing Super Moshi Missions and a couple of the moshlings don't fit the pattern.

How do you pick up a super rare moshling on Moshi Monsters?

There are no moshlings rated as 'super rare'. Moshlings ratings are common, uncommon, rare, and ultra-rare.

How do you delete moshlings off your house when your a member?

You cannot delete moshlings if you're a member once your membership has stopped you can grow a moshling which can be a uncommon or common then once you have got it press them and then you take one of your moshlings out your room and that replaces them.

Will the new moshlings on Moshi Monsters be rare moshlings or common moshlings?

New moshlings will be common, uncommon, rare, or ultra-rare, depending on how the Moshi Monsters staff decides to rate them. The only way to know is to check out the moshling's information in the collector's guides or in the Daily Growl once they have been released.

Why are there numbers on the moshlings on moshi monsters?

The numbers started out as a way to sort the moshlings into Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra-Rare. However, they are running out of numbers in each ranking, so are not putting all the moshling in that order any more. Also, it is a way to organize the moshlings. If you can't remember a moshling's name, you might be able to remember the number.

Who has all of the moshlings?

Timernator was the first Monster owner to attract all the Moshlings.

What is the secret code to get all the moshlings?

There isn't a secret code to get all the moshlings.

What monster has all of the moshlings?

There are a few people that has all the moshlings that are currently available.