game boy and color
virtual boy
Club Nintendo is an imaginary club that you can join at . You register all of your Nintendo games. Note: Only games with a Nintendo symbol at the bottom of the game case is eligible for registration. Also game systems can be registered on Club Nintendo. The DSi, DSiXL, 3DS (the DS or DS Lite do not earn you Club Nintendo points), and Nintendo Wii can all be registered. By registering you games and completing surveys (Pre-play, Post-play) you earn points or coins you can spend on Club Nintendo. You can get games, cases, etc., each a different amount of coins. Wii games also are more points than DS games. Shipping and everything is completed. Register you games, get prizes. That's Club Nintendo.
All the Nintendo certified games,merchandise,and consoles have the Nintendo seal on it.Even Japanese games have it!
mostly all Nintendo DS games.
Well it starts with NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System), then there's the Nintendo Gameboy (Color, Advanced, AdvancedSP), Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube, and Nintendo Wii.
You can only register games developed by Nintendo or its first parties (ex. Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon, Metroid) as well as all WiiWare and DSiWare games.
No they only make them on Nintendo systems such as gamecube wii and Nintendo 64
Yes. All DS games work on all DS systems.
Go to they buy all systems.
No, there is not an Animal Crossing PS2 game. Animal Crossing is made by Nintendo, and is only available for Nintendo Systems only. The only 3 Nintendo Systems compatible with the only 3 Animal Crossing games are the Nintendo Gamecube, the Nintendo DS, DS Lite, DSi, and the Nintendo Wii.
The only games you can play are games made for the Nintendo DS. All other games are not able to be played on the DSi.
Yes. All games are compatible with all systems. Except for the playstation 2. In that case American ps2 games don't work on English ps2's.
well,there are all the Nintendo games wich would be around 1000
Shingeru Miyamoto and his small team made all the Nintendo systems from NES to Wii and all of Nintendo's portables from game boy to virtual boy to ds. Shingeru Miyamoto was the founder of Nintendo
all the games can be downloaded or all of the original Nintendo ds. this is not real
Super Mario can be played on any Nintendo game system because it is ported to all Nintendo's major gaming consoles. So you can play it on any Nintendo system that you may own.
itll probly be a wile cause all ssb games where on all diffrent Nintendo systems :(
X-Box 360, the PS1,2, and 3, Nintendo... all game systems pretty much... and X-Box 360 has Pure and others...