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you need the action replay and thePokemon modifier code to get this code go to you tube and type in modifier cheat for your game good luck

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Q: Action replay how to get any Pokemon you want on platinum?
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Which Pokemon do you want

How do you get an action replay in Pokemon Platinum?

Google Pokemon platinum ar cheat then type in what cheat you want.

Where do you get Deoxys in Pokemon Platinum?

If You Want A Deoxys In Pokemon Platinum ,Migrate,Trade,Or Use The Action Replay Pokemon Modifier.

What trainer has phione on Pokemon Platinum?

There are no trainers in Pokemon platinum with phione. if you want phione use action replay.

What is the action replay code to put wonder guard on Pokemon platinum?

i want more then a 100 of pokemon.

What is the action replay code to clone master balls?

you have to have Pokemon platinum and a action replay then if u want just give your Pokemon master balls and trade them to games you want to have master balls

What is the info you need to get Pokemon Platinum on the action replay?

you need the game ID and the name well you can name it anything you want to but platinum or Pokemon platinum to remember it.

Nintendo DSi and you want to use an action replay for Pokemon platinum so which action replay do you use?

you need to use action replaydsi look at

Can you catch other Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum.?

no you cannot u need to have an action replay the go to google and type the codes u want and u type into ur action replay and u get a action replay at gamestop

How do you get Deoxys in HeartGold?

If you have action replay you can get any Pokemon you want. This feature works only in Pokemon Heartgold , Soulsilver and Platinum.

How can you download Pokemon platinum onto action replay if it says you don't have enough space?

you just need to delete one of the games you dont want on your action replay

Glitches for Pokemon platinum without using action replay?

Your question makes no sense. Cheats and glitches are not the same thing. If you want a glitch with Action Replay, then you must mean you want a broken one.