this is for 999x PP Max
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
00000DAC 03E70035
D2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
00000dac 03e70035
d2000000 00000000
There is no Action Replay code to max happiness in Pokémon Diamond. You can easily max a Pokemon's happiness by feeding it berries and vitamins as well as giving it a soothe ball.
When you load up action replay, uncheck the box for the shiny Pokemon code before starting the game.
Yes; Hold R at the end of battle when it says "Pokemon* Fainted!" With the code MAX EXP. POINTS on your AR.
so you have to buy it?
you need to go on and type in "wild Pokemon modifier" and you put the code in your action replay then you can get every single Pokemon in diamond!
There is no Action Replay code to max happiness in Pokémon Diamond. You can easily max a Pokemon's happiness by feeding it berries and vitamins as well as giving it a soothe ball.
When you load up action replay, uncheck the box for the shiny Pokemon code before starting the game.
yes but having max iv's is much more important.
yes go onto google and type diamond and pearl AR codes
No you cant because you need a action replay max
action replay max does but shouldn't(does not work) and i am not sure if the regular action replay does.
There is no beauty ranking in Pokemon Soul Silver therefore there is no action replay code for max beauty. Pokemon Soul Silver was released in 2010.
hbvfjhbdfjhbhbfdvjb vv n,v nf hbgmvhbvfhfnjbjkbfksbjbnvgjgvgcdgvfkgvvhgvhubvfshbv hbhvhvhbvhbvhbvhbbhbvbvjnbcvkvjhdvfghbhgkhkuubhbgrbghuhbguhbgfu POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Action Replay max
Type in 9788 5677 3255 5678 and you will have max stats st.louis demontforts aspendale ruleshold r at the end of the battle
get pokesav at