The word is promiscuous.The word can also mean to throw together different things that are totally unrelated, but generally it is used to describe someone who does not care about being sexually exclusive. This is a dangerous practice in today's world of HPV, HIV, and other sexual disorders for which there is no cure.
Egotistical people.
Throughing something out for someone
The anagrams for the word 'race' are acre and care.
Some adjectives that describe someone who cares only for themselves are:egotisticegocentricself centerednarcissisticsmugimperiousA noun for a person who cares only for themselves are:egoistegomaniacboasterbraggartnarcissist
A sociopath.
The word for when somebody's actions are all for their good and nobody else is SELFISH
Yes, it means someone who is out for themselves only and will rip you off if they think they can get ahead.
They will have to help themselves.
Selfless =)
You can call them George Costanza.
If you want to wish someone well you can say "laat dit goed gaan" If you mean take care of someone you will say "omsien na..." (lit. take care of...)
The word for this type of person is hypocrite. A hypocrite is someone who contradicts themselves by doing things they tell others they should not do.