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imitate, repeat, reiterate...

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Q: A word for doing something that has been done before?
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How do you use i have been?

Ex: I have been out all day today. Can't you see that I have been busy? I have been to a concert before, but I can't seem to remember the bands. -You use "I have been" whenever you are trying to express that you have been doing something for a while or had done something.

Does present tense mean you done something before?

No, present tense means you are currently doing something. To represent something you did before you would use the past tense.

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Mabey because you have nothing to do. Try doing something you have never done before.

An injury is something that is done for a reason because someone has thought about an action before doing it?

Suicide Intentional injury

How is a CD recorded?

by doing something no one has ever done before and something that someone cant do and the record is when that person can do it

A n injury is something that is done for a reason because someone has thought about an action before doing it?

Intentional--apex ;p

What are errors of Omission?

Not doing something that one should have done is Error of Omission. Doing something that one should not have done is Error of Commission.

What does the word again mean?

The word 'again' is an adverb which is used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb as something occurring or doing something that has occurred or been done previously.

What is the meaning of just in time?

"In time" refers to having done something at or before the previously designated moment. therefore just in time means doing something 'on time' or 'in time' but barely.

What is the effective ways to communicate with your spouse?

Find something you both like to do and while doing that activity ask questions about them and allow them to open up to you, dont stop them and say something like "I've been there before" or "I've done that!!" just let them talk and when they've stated something and they stop then proceed to tell them something like that.

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If they are doing so, it will be because of something you have done or are doing that society regards as being detrimental to your daughters happiness and well-being. You will have been told the exact reason.