Downloading anime can only be legally done from websites where you buy the anime before downloading it. Doing so otherwise is illegal.
You can download all the Episodes of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT and also its Movies Completely Free (100% free) from here: There are two languages available to download. You can download it in English or in Spanish.
There is no PSP version of Minecraft.
Yes, the PSP can connect to the PlayStation Network, where you can purchase and download games.
No,download only.
you can download old episodes but you can't download live episodes
Crunchy Roll has legal anime episodes. Hulu also has it.
veoh usually has EVERYTHING so you can download all kinds of anime and cartoons and other crap from there XD
If you mean Spacial A, the yes. you can even download the episodes on youtube.
You can watch them on youtube, and if you have the anime channel on sky you can watch them there.
Anime eqisodes come out faster in Japan, so you can usually find episodes that are subed but haven't come out yet on websites like youtube. Basically you have to download them. I suggest looking at the answer to "How do you download anime" that has some good websites listed for new episodes for recent series. You can get them either directly from the fansubbers (e.g. Naruto - or from a website - is quite good for this.
support the anime industry and just buy it, like i did >.
The anime series "My-HiME" has 26 episodes .