after orlox is defeated become a bat a fly left til you reach a room by the ceiling
A flying pet such as a bird or bat.
3 story house (top is save room) with a back room, a left room, and a right room, pretty big huh
at bat (atbat)
a bat
Climb to the roof. He will have less room to escape you and you can grab the key.
the " living room , or the lounge
It is a Common noun, ALSO concrete ;D
solarium or Florida room
This is the draughtiest room in the house.
I use a BAT to play softball. When I was seven I dreamed of seeing a BAT. BAT is the homograph word.
stuck in a room or a house for example when i was sick with swine flu i has to stay in a isolated room( closed in room)
The Luhya word for the English word bat is "popo."
The word 'parlor' is a noun (a room in a house, or a beauty parlor), a word for a thing.
House + guest, houseguest Guest + book, guestbook Guest + house, guesthouse Guest + room, guestroom
Living room in Japanese is commonly expressed as an i-ma or living space. Large traditional houses sometimes only have one living room and can function as a dining room, study room, or even a bed room. This is important to know because Japanese furniture is portable and when not used can be stored in an oshiire, a small part of the house that is used for storage.
Yes the word room is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a partitioned space within a building; a space that will accomodate something; a word for a thing.The word room is also a verb meaning to share a room, flat, or house with one or more people: I room with three other people.