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Q: A potato's key tool i have all the power i am generally used on the half of full hour if my cells were deceased or lost or the such only my partner would respond to your touch. what am i?
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How do you respond to congratulations for being in a relationship?

Just say thanks and start talking about how awesome your partner is.

How does a firm generally respond to a higher demand for its goods?

it rations goods

How has the supreme court generally respond to press confidentiality issues?

The Supreme Court generally responds to press confidentiality issues by deferring or deflecting them. In most cases, the Supreme Court does not want to respond to issues of press confidentiality.

Is online election campaigning responsive?

No. People see the information and generally don’t respond.

In the case of a living trust what are credit card companies' options if the family of a deceased person does not respond to inquiries about paying off the deceased's balance?

The credit card compaines will hire someone to harass the family to get the money, or they will hire a lawyer and go to court. They don't care.

What does RSVP generally mean?

RSVP stands for "répondez s'il vous plaît" which is French for "please respond."

How do you vertify your email on MySpace?

Generally you need to respond by following a link in your email box that you had signed up to Myspace with.

How long does a person have to get a lawyer when a motion to modify child custody is filed?

Generally, you have 30 days from service to respond.

How does widow respond to creditors calls if not joint on credit card bills?

Tell the credit card company that the card holder is deceased. They do have some rights in some states to collect the money owed from the deceased's estate. They can sue the "estate" for the money owed. Note: a life insurance policy paid to the widow is NOT his estate.

What is Gemini's heart breakers?

A Gemini in love expects to be understood, their partner to be telepathic, to be tenderly and sympathetically treated, their partner to be completely faithful and they love to flirt. Failure of the partner to understand and/or supply these things will result in a very unhappy Gemini. In friendship a Gemini enjoys people who respond to or suggest, spontaneous activities. They hate to miss out on things going on in their friends' lives.

How do guppies respond to their environment?

Good environment they are exploratory and active swimming around and generally being active. Bad environment they are the opposite.

Why does the government respond first to a hurricane?

It is the government's responsibility to protect the people. Also, the government generally has the most resources to help with recovery and repairs.