handkerchief or hanky
Some positive words beginning with H are:happyhealthyheightenherohelpfulheavenhopeholyhavehugs
A musical instrument beginning with H is harp (harpsichord) or harmonica.
Highchair is a piece of furniture. It begins with the letter h.
handkerchief or hanky
A small piece of cloth is usually called a patch. A small piece of cloth could also be called a rag or a washcloth.
yes because of the cloth
A small piece of cloth is often referred to as a "fabric swatch" or simply a "fabric scrap."
A piece of cloth used for wiping noses is called a handkerchief.
yes because of the cloth
yes because of the cloth
a tumbler is not made with a piece of cloth because it conducts water-shayma
piece of cloth used to wrap a dead body
A torn piece of material is cloth