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Static electricity generated by friction of the sweater fabric.

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Q: A boy pulls a sweater off over his head. his hair is attracted to the sweater due to?
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A boy pulls a sweater off over his head His hair is attracted to the sweater due to?

an electrical charge. i had this question too! :D

Why is a boy's hair attracted to his sweater when he pulls it over his head?

When the sweater is pulled over the head, the friction between the hair and the fabric generates static electricity. This static electricity causes the hair to be attracted to the sweater as the opposite charges (positive and negative) between the hair and the fabric interact.

What causes your hair to be attracted to a sweater?

The static charge on your sweater can attract your hair due to opposite charges. When you pull the sweater over your head, friction between the sweater and your hair creates an electrical charge, causing your hair to stick to the sweater.

What causes your hair to stand up after pulling a wool sweater over your head?

When you pull a wool sweater over your head, friction between the sweater and your hair can create static electricity. This static charge causes your hair to stand up as the individual hairs repel each other due to having like charges.

How do soaps work?

The head of the molecule is attracted to water while the tail is attracted to dirt and grease. The head swims in the water and the tail stick's to the dirt and pulls it off leaving it nice and clean.

Why will your hair be hard to come when you pull a wool sweater over your head?

your hair will be hard to comb because the friction is making your hair sticking up and the electricity makes your hair hard to comb.

Neck but no head you have two arms but no hand what are you?

I am Shirt

What has two arms and a neck but no head?


What is the difference between a french braid and a braid?

A french braid pulls hair from all over your head. It starts up top near your forehead and goes down the langth of your hair. But, a braid starts at the bottom of your head and goes down.

Why are woman attracted to men with head lice?

woman arent, lice are attracted to them cause most girls wash there hair more then guys, its easier for lice to hop in some CLEAnn hairr. mmkayyy.

Do sweatbands go above or under the hair on the back of your head when put on?

Sweatbands usually go over your hair, as it gets uncomfortable when it's under, because it pulls the back of your hair up. (If your hair is in a pony tail, the sweatband of course goes under.)

What type of sweater does mr rodgers wear?

mrrogers always had on a sweater because he was head to toe tattooed he loved to be inked