A vacation spot starting with M is Miami Beach or Monaco, depending on your budget.
Maui, Hawaii
marin land
United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C. is a vacation spot. It begins with the letter U.
Maui, Hawaii
marin land
because it is the nice spot and cool summer and not very cold.
Daytona Beach, Florida is a vacation spot. Dollywood in Tennessee is a vacation spot.
spot is the subject while vacation is the adjective.
Cabo is Miley Cyrus' favorite vacation spot.
Of course there are! If you search for the vacation spot online and simply type 'vacation package' after the entered vacation spot, there will be whole lists of site where you can get vacation discounts!
Selena's favorite vacation spot is in Texas but we all are not sure if she has another favorite spot:)
his favorite vacation spot is proally his home town Honolulu Hawaii were he was born
united kingdom
yes. I like spending vacation a lot my favorite vacation spot is Orange beach , Alabama its awesome spot to spend vacation with lots of fun and enjoyment do. luxury Orange beach resorts to stay.
United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C. is a vacation spot. It begins with the letter U.