The rockies
There is a chance... I think Disney chose Florida because it was a warm, common vacationing spot, and they wanted to conveniently place Disney world so that it was in the middle of a family's vacation... Maybe...
Wulfric Spot died in 1004.
Cabo is Miley Cyrus' favorite vacation spot.
his favorite vacation spot is proally his home town Honolulu Hawaii were he was born
Disney World is her favorite vacation spot. When she was little she loved going over to her grandma's farm.
The rockies
Miranda Cosgrove's favorite vacation spot is the Hawaii. She loves the pretty beaches and the people. She has even talked about buying a home there in the near future.
Albert Einstein mentioned in interviews that his favorite vacation spot was at Napa Valley, California. Albert Einstein was one of the smartest men to ever live.
You would have to ask her yourself.
yes. I like spending vacation a lot my favorite vacation spot is Orange beach , Alabama its awesome spot to spend vacation with lots of fun and enjoyment do. luxury Orange beach resorts to stay.
st simons island Georgia
ask her yourself on the app called kik. her username is arianaisagangsta