

Best Answer

There are quite a few moves that can make your opponent fall asleep:

Hypnosis - 60% Accuracy - Psychic

Dark Void - 80% Accuracy - Dark

Grasswhistle - 55% Accuracy - Grass

Lovely Kiss - 75% Accuracy - Normal

Sing - 55% Accuracy - Normal

Sleep Powder - 75% Accuracy - Grass

Spore - 100% Accuracy - Grass

Yawn - '--' Accuracy - Normal - (At the end of the turn after using Yawn, the target falls Asleep unless it is switched out.)

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If you're doing the Pokemon Leaf puzzle on, then the answer would be spore.

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Q: A Pokemon move that makes the opponent fall asleep?
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A TM that makes the foe fall asleep in Pokemon pearl?

yes the tms are 1.hypnosys 2.dark void 3.yawn

What is the name of the shot that makes you fall asleep?

A tranquilizer.

What is the move that makes the other Pokemon fall asleep on Pokemon?

There are Lots Dark Void Grass Whistle Hypnosis Lovely Kiss Relic Song Rest Sing Sleep Powder Spore Yawn

Why doesn't hypnosis work on all Pokemon?

some Pokemon have the abilitie amnesia which means they cant fall asleep no matter what you do

What makes you fall asleep faster any tips?

There are some medicines that help people fall asleep faster. Another tip is getting plenty of exercise which may tire you out.

Where do you get the TM drowsy in Pokemon Soul Silver?

There is no TM "Drowsy" in any Pokemon games. You maybe thinking of the move "Yawn" that makes the target drowsy in one turn, and makes them fall asleep the next. However, this move is not available via TM or Move Tutor either. There is a Pokemon named Drowzee also.