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Q: A 4 letter word for four winged hairy insects?
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What are Four winged flying insects?

most insects have four wings, execpt for fleas who lost them and flies and mosquitous who have two

What is a four winged hairy insect?

i am pretty sure that it's a buterfly

Is a dragonfly an earthbound angel?

Dragonflies are speedy, four-winged insects with large eyes. They are not angels, earthbound or otherwise.

Four letter bloodsucking insects?


What is a four letter word starting with e and is a winged god?

Eros, the god of love.

How can I accurately identify a winged ant?

To accurately identify a winged ant, look for a narrow waist, elbowed antennae, and four wings of unequal length. Ants have a distinct body shape and features that differentiate them from other insects.

Are dragonflies and damselflies related?

House flies are from the taxonomical order Diptera, meaning two-winged, whereas the four-winged dragonflies and damselflies are from the order Odanata, so the two would not be considered closely related. Also, the dragonflies are predators and have mouth parts adapted for preying on other insects. House flies are not able to do this.There are many other differences despite the fact the two-winged flies are considered by some to have evolved from the four-winged variety.

What is a Geryon?

A three-bodied, four-winged Giant.

What animal is winged?

I'm not sure that there is one - flight is thought to have evolved independently at least four times, with insects, birds, bats and pterodactyls, so there isn't one common order.See related link.

What is the scientific name for the four winged flying fish?

Hirundichthys speculiger

Was Geryon a man?

No. Geryon was a three-bodied, four-winged Giant.

What is a four letter word for a small black insect?

Flea, lice. "Tick" is another possible answer, but ticks are actually arachnids, not insects.