if you find a website about Pokemon platinum AR codes email me at landonmeador@gmail.com
plz rate this im tring my best to find it and if i do i promise ill give it to you from E hacker
go to www.supercheats.com
yes. there are AR cheats for platinum.
Yes for Pokemon platinum
Mew. Trade or AR or hack.
i think it's L+R+SELECT
that's what im trying to figure out ! im not sure if theres a code for it :(
you go to google images and search for: "3d pokedex AR codes". there should be huge pictures full of AR codes. but do note that though you may have the AR codes you don't have the Pokemon on your pokedex
The Pokedex number for Giratina is no. 487. If this person is asking for the pokedex number! ^_^
u hav to find all of the Pokemon in the national pokedex
Well the cause of this is you problably used an AR to obtain national dex complete.It says you have them but you dont actually have them.
if you find a website about Pokemon platinum AR codes email me at landonmeador@gmail.com
plz rate this im tring my best to find it and if i do i promise ill give it to you from E hacker
yes there is it's 8594032pp
no cheat for platinum
Google Pokemon platinum ar cheat then type in what cheat you want.