The Beatles team thEbeAtleS
The Rolling Stones team thERStoNes
Wall floSATball
Fly flyiSgmoDE
Bowling ball bOwliSbaLl
Tennis ball teNniSbaLl
Beach ball beSaChbAll
Low gravity loWgraSiTy
Be the same player AllSowsAme
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EffectCodeThe Beatles teamthEbeAtleSThe Rolling Stones teamthERStoNesWallfloSATballFlyflyiSgmoDEBowling ballbOwliSbaLlTennis ballteNniSbaLlBeach ballbeSaChbAllLow gravityloWgraSiTyBe the same playerAllSowsAme
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THERE ARE NO CHEATS for god of war 1 or 2!!!