To "Cause" is a five letter action word makes something happen.
It seems that there is no medical evidence that handheld games cause cancer. It would be safe to assume that they do not, since there is not conclusive evidence that cellular phones cause cancer either.
To "cause" is an action that makes something happen.
"Cause" is the action word that makes something happen.
carcinogen NoveNET :)
Something that can cause cancer is called a carcinogen.
Something has to either be pushed or pulled by force.
Cancer is triggered when there is a malfunction in the reproduction of cells. Either there is too much of something or not enough, causing the malfunctioning cells to constantly reproduce, which is later formed into what is known as a tumor.
No, Powerade does not cause cancer.
Not sucking on a roll of paper full of ash that can cause Lung Cancer or even kill you.
To "Cause" is a five letter action word makes something happen.
no it cannot cause a cancer
botox cause cancer yes or no