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Bottomless Trap Hole does not target, so Tyrant Dragon is unable to negate it.

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Q: 'Tyrant Dragon' vs 'Bottomless Trap Hole'?
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Which is better - Trap Hole or Bottomless Trap Hole?

It depends on the circumstances. Generally, "Bottomless Trap Hole" will be the better card; it works on Special Summons and it removes the monster it destroys from play. However, "Trap Hole" has one advantage: the monster summoned only needs 1000 ATK to trigger it, whereas "Bottomless Trap Hole" requires at least 1500 ATK. So, it would depend upon the type of deck you planned to use or went up against, but most people would choose "Bottomless Trap Hole".

Slifer the sky dragon Vs bottomless trap hole?

The current game-legal text for Slifer the Sky Dragon says "When Normal Summoned, cards or effects cannot be activated" This prevents the activation of Bottomless Trap Hole in response to Slifer's Normal summon. However this is only for Normal Summon. Slifer can be Special Summoned, and if Special Summoned, then his continuous effect will apply as normal, before cards that respond to summons can be activated. That means if he is special summoned, and his ATK goes to 2000, the summon can be responded to by Bottomless Trap Hole, he will be destroyed and removed.

Can you use bottomless trap hole on Odin father of the aesir?

yes You can

Can Bottomless Trap Hole destroy Slifer the Sky Dragon?

According to the effects of Slifer the Sky Dragon given in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia, Bottomless Trap Hole may not be activated when it is Tribute Summoned onto the field. It clearly states that "...when this card is Normal Summoned, the effects of Spell, Trap, and Effect Monster Cards cannot be activated..."Slifer the Sky Dragon can be destroyed afterwards by cards that do not target it, such as Mirror Force, or Widespread Ruin.

Does bottomless trap hole negate effects?

No. No part of Bottomless Trap Hole negates effects. However a monster's continuous effect requires it to remain face-up on the field. In those cases, the monster effect will cease to apply as the monster is gone.

Related questions

Can Stardust Dragon negate a Bottomless Trap Hole targeting it in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Bottomless Trap Hole does not target due to the way it can remove multiple monsters. If Bottomless Trap Hole is activated, then Stardust Dragon can be used against it, even if Bottomless Trap Hole was activated in response to Stardust Dragon's own summon.

Is Tyrant Dragon affected by Trap Hole in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Tyrant Dragon negates and destroys Trap Cards that target it. Trap Hole does target, so Tyrant Dragon is not affected by it.

Can 'Bottomless Trap Hole' remove from play 'Stardust Dragon'?

Yes, it can. However Bottomless Trap Hole is a card that destroys, so Stardust Dragon can be used to negate it, even if it was used in response to Stardust Dragon's own summon. The Bottomless Trap Hole will be negated and destroyed in that case.

Is 'Stardust Dragon' affected by 'Bottomless Trap Hole' in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Bottomless Trap Hole destroys monsters as well as removing them, meaning Stardust Dragon can chain to and negate it.

Can you use 'Bottomless Trap Hole' on 'Obsidian dragon'?

Obsidian Dragon only negates S/T cards that 'target' one Dark monster on the field. Bottomless Trap Hole does not target, Obisidian Dragon cannot protect against it.

In Yu-Gi-Oh can 'Stardust Dragon' negate 'Bottomless Trap Hole'?

Bottomless Trap Hole destroys the summoned monster as well as removing it, meaning that Stardust Dragon can tribute itself to chain its negating Quick Effect to BTH's activation. This negation effect will resolve, negating and destroying Bottomless Trap Hole. Then in the end phase, Stardust Dragon will summon itself to the field.

Can you bottomless trap hole stardust dragon assault mode after its affect brings it back from the grave?

Yes, you can, it is a special summon and can be responded to as normal. However it is more than likely that the monster's controller will simply tribute it to negate and destroy Bottomless Trap Hole, then resummon the dragon in the same end phase.

Which is better - Trap Hole or Bottomless Trap Hole?

It depends on the circumstances. Generally, "Bottomless Trap Hole" will be the better card; it works on Special Summons and it removes the monster it destroys from play. However, "Trap Hole" has one advantage: the monster summoned only needs 1000 ATK to trigger it, whereas "Bottomless Trap Hole" requires at least 1500 ATK. So, it would depend upon the type of deck you planned to use or went up against, but most people would choose "Bottomless Trap Hole".

Can you chain Temtempo the Perussion Djinn's own effect to Bottomless Trap Hole in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, it is a Quick Effect and can be chained to Bottomless Trap Hole.

Can you remove the dragon from play the turn you summon it for red eyes darkness metal dragon?

Yes because red eyes is a special summon. But if the bottomless trap hole you can't call priority on the summon of red eyes but if they bottomless redeyed you can call priority and special summon a dragon

Slifer the sky dragon Vs bottomless trap hole?

The current game-legal text for Slifer the Sky Dragon says "When Normal Summoned, cards or effects cannot be activated" This prevents the activation of Bottomless Trap Hole in response to Slifer's Normal summon. However this is only for Normal Summon. Slifer can be Special Summoned, and if Special Summoned, then his continuous effect will apply as normal, before cards that respond to summons can be activated. That means if he is special summoned, and his ATK goes to 2000, the summon can be responded to by Bottomless Trap Hole, he will be destroyed and removed.

Can you use bottomless trap hole on a Fusion Summon monster?

A Fusion Summon is considered a special summon, so anything that can respond to a special summon (such as Bottomless Trap Hole) can be used against it.