Some words have "cred" at the beginning or middle, such as incredible, credit or incredulous. Others may have it at the end, such as sacred.
Cred, cry.
Go to the main Runescape page, click on the link for membership, and look at the payment options.
You must setup an Apple Account with your credit/debit card details. Then any apps you purchase using this account will be billed to your cred/debit card.
Some examples of words with the suffix -cred are: accredited, discredited, incredulous, and credulous.
Street Cred Magazine was created in 1998.
The prefix 'Cred' means To Believe.Hope this Helps ♥
"Cred" is a suffix. It is added to the end of a word to indicate belief or trust in something.
The root "cred" comes from the verb "credere" which means "to believe, trust."
Information. In-for-ma-tion. Incredible. In-cred-i-ble. Alternative. Al-ter-na-tive. Combination. Com-bi-na-tion.
Some words have "cred" at the beginning or middle, such as incredible, credit or incredulous. Others may have it at the end, such as sacred.