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For some people, eating raw Jalapeno Peppers alone can cause them to become ill. The same is true about drinking liquor. It would be unwise to consume either or both in large quantities. This is especially true about liquor.

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Q: Will eating raw jalepeno and drinking liquer make you sick?
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Getting Used To Bariatric Meals?

If you are considering weight loss surgery, make sure that you are properly prepared to handle just about anything that comes up. An important tip to consider after the surgery has occurred is to never mix drinking and eating. Drinking while eating can almost always cause issues because your body is extremely sensitive to what it can handle. Making the transition between eating and drinking can cause a drastic amount of harm, so make sure that you space out your eating and drinking so that your body can properly process what you put into it. Bariatric meals can be tricky to get used to, but in the long run it's for the best!

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