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Depending on what your goals are in some cases no formal qualifications are needed. Prision inmates are famous for making a concotion known as 'Prison Wine'. Prision wine is made from taking a juice (usually grape, fruit punch, apple or orange) and addiing bread and allowing the mixture to furment in plastic bags or containers for several days. Please do not try this for this method carries many dangerous health concerns. If you are interested in becoming a home winemaker than again you don't need formal training. Many adult education classes are avail online and in major cities. You can also learn from the many books from credible authors and winemakers. Just like home brew makers people all over the world are making wine at home. However, if you interests lie in working for a commercial winery then the qualifications become more rigid. Some very small wineries; meaning wineries that are liscenced to sell out of their own tasting room and at small special events or festivals may not require any special talent except the following: A good work ethic, an understanding that the job is based on farm work, chemistry, sales, public relations as well as having an interest in wine and winemaking. The person must be willing to commit to the work and be flexible to taking on many duties. Now, if you are interested in working for a commercial winery that sells their wines to a broader market then a degree in winemaking is common and or several years of industry experience. Some of the larger winemaking educational programs can be viewed online. Two very popular schools known throughout the world are, UC Davis and Sonoma State University. There are also many highly regarded schools in Australia, France and South America. Other areas that winemakers have a background in if they don't have a degree in Viticulture or Oneology is posessing a Bachelors or Masters degree in Chemistry or Biology.

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