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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

A wine maker is called a vintner. (A wine seller is also called by the same name).

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βˆ™ 15y ago

alcoholic Mr. , Mrs. , or Ms. depending on their sex!!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago


or a Vitneron

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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βˆ™ 12y ago


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βˆ™ 8y ago

A vintner.

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Q: What is a wine maker called?
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What does a wine maker's job entail?

to get drunk

Is wine acidic?

Yes. All wines have different amounts of acidity depending on the wine maker's decisions.

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A maker of wagons is called a wainwright.

How would a wine maker produce a dry wine?

He adds no sugar to the grape juice in the process of fermentation. Adding sugar to the unfermented grape juice is called chaptilisation and is used to increase the final alcohol content of the wine. To make a dry wine the winemaker will allow the fermentation process to continue until all the sugar has been converted to alcohol.

Who is dionyses?

Dionyses is the son of Zeus and semele and he is the god of wine, madness and the irrational. He is the inventer of wine making and is an all round party maker :)

If the wine has a vintage of 2008 when did they usually bottled the wine?

For White wine normally right before the next harvest as a winery will need the room. Depending on the type of red wine and how long the wine maker wants to age the wine 1 to 3 years after production.

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a flag maker is called a bing bong beggar

What is a ceramic pot maker?

A person who makes pots is called a potter.The potter shaped a bowl from clay.

What is a batch wine called?

Wine in vats or casks are called a cuvée.

What is a wine specialist called in a restaurant?

She is called a Wine Steward or a Sommelier.