The expiration date code for the keyword "code" in this system is not specified.
When does the code expire?
The expiration date code for this product is typically a series of numbers and letters that indicate when the product expires.
The expiration date is in Julian code... Google that to get your expiration date.
banana boat sport expiration code
You don't.
Production Date
expiration of active service commitment.
You Can find it by the expiration date, boxed.
Yes it does but you might have to contact the Manufacturer. The code at the bottom of the can (or even the date) is not the expiration date. Its most likely the date in which it was made.
1. Where do you read the Julian Code on Manischewitz products? The batch code and expiration date on our products is called a Julian Code. For example, on gefilte fish, the first three numbers (in the first row of numbers and letters) tell the day of the year and go from 001 to 365 and the fourth number tells the year. If a code reads 1230 it means that the expiration date is the 123rd day of 2010 and if it reads 1231 the expiration date is 2011. The letters are related to the plant where the product was made and the last numbers are the UPC number.