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Q: What does the code PRO mean on canned food expiration?
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What does separation code MBK mean?

expiration of active service commitment.

How do you know if a canned vegetable is still safe to use?

By use I believe you mean eat. Canned food may still be safe to eat after the expiration date IF the can has no damage to it and has no signs of bloating. Any dents deformities or damage to a can may allow it to grow botulism. This a deadly food born pathogen THAT CAN KILL YOU!Most expiration dates on unrefrigerated, non temperature sensitive items like dried pasta are there because it loses flavor or the preservatives lose effectiveness and they clump or lose color.

What food is there in World War 2?

Canned food Potatoes Bread i mean its not the middle ages, they had pretty modern food

Would tuna fish last longer than spam?

Yes, as tuna is alive and lives for years and Spam is in a can with a expiration date. Oh, did you mean canned tuna?

How do you read a food date code on Schwan frozen foods?

To read the food date code on Schwan frozen foods, look for a series of numbers and letters on the packaging. The code typically includes the production date and expiration date. The production date is usually represented by a series of numbers, while the expiration date is often indicated by a combination of letters and numbers. You can refer to Schwan's website or contact their customer service for specific guidance on deciphering their date codes.

What does the ICD9 code 005.9 mean?

food poisoning, unspecified

Is it ok if you eat ground beef that expires the day you eat it?

Yes it should be fine, usually those dates given are best by or sell by dates not always expiration dates, and expiration dates don't exactly mean the food will be automatically sickening after a certain day.

What does judith ortiz cofer mean by the term canned memories?

The "canned memories" in the poem The Latin Deli: An Ars Poetica refer to the memories of home provided by the shop keeper as she talks to her customers, as well as the sensory triggered memories of the familiar food purchased in the shop.

What does lBK code mean on your dd214?

MBK means completion of Active Duty service commitment or expiration of term of service. You can find other SPN codes at

What happens if you eat out of date food?

Chocolate carries a use by and best before date for legal reasons. Where a product is passed it best before date which is generally used on this type of product all that is being stated by the manufacturer is that on or before the date the product was at its best. Dates are used as guidelines for their use and whilst most products carry these, the dates are normally kept in the very safe area of the shelf life. Its advisable to use common sense where a products consumption is concerned

What does the date mean on Seagrams 2L Ginger Ale Expiration or manufactured on?

If theres only one date, it's the expiration date.

What does expiration date of AL11 mean?

That would be April 2011.