If you measure out 10 cups of water with 200 ml of water in each, then get someone to time you drinking each cup, then add up all the time and divide this number by 10, the answer you get will be the average time to drink 200 ml of water.
Elephants usually drink once or twice in a day. They are known to drink up to 200 liters of water in a day.
200 to 225 glasses
A camel.
200 dollars or around there
The basic rule with water consumption is drink half your body weight in ounces.For example:A person that weighs 200 pounds should drink 100 ounces of water a day.A person that weighs 150 pounds should drink 75 ounces of water a day.This rule does not take in to account diet and exercise.
The cats will drink 6000 ml of water a day.
2 litres
On average an elephant can drink 60 to 120 liters a day. ( liters is very close to quarts ) An elephant can eat 200 to 300 kilograms a day. (~ 440 to 660 pounds )
Because they live in the desert, they can't always have access to water. When they do though, they can drink up to 200 liters of it.
Koala Correction: Koala is derived from an aboriginal word for "no drink", not "no water". There is also no single word for "no water" as there are over 200 aboriginal languages in Australia.
The average persons body is made up of 2/3 water...you do the math!
The average rainfall varies depending on the climate changes and the time of the year. The average is between 60 and 200 inches of rain.